Gap year

For me, 2016 has been incredibly fast, demanding, & full of accomplishments I could only dream of the year before. I never thought any of these things would happen within a mere year. And one of the best decisions was definitely, taking a gap year.

Finishing high school is such a great accomplishment, but before you’re out the door you’re bombarded with college applications & constantly pressured to jump right into college after high school.




That’s what I decided to take a gap year. For me, the threat of disappointing myself, my parents or possibly losing funding for college is scarier than making the jump into a college when all I want is to go out on my own for a while before falling in line for another four or more years.

By taking a gap year, I am choosing to expand your horizon. And I think making the choice to leave home before going to college was the best choice for me.


flora 2


I am somewhere that is giving me the opportunity to experience things in a whole new way. I am spending a year fully immersed in a whole new world & I am getting a whole different experience than you would if you were just visiting. Living & working alongside local people is allowing me to appreciate other cultures.

 It is bringing me adventures, stories & memories that will last a lifetime. When else am I going to be 18 years old with no job, no mortgage payments, no kids, no homework & no worries?

 And what better way to pick up a new language than by immersing myself with native speakers? When I am forced to speak a different language every time I go outside, yes I make lots of mistakes, but that’s how I learn.

 I am discovering new places, learning new things.


There are great days, sad days, days when I experience moments I never thought I could. But the experience is totally worth it. x



8 thoughts on “Gap year”

    1. Of course, that would be great as well!
      It all depends in each one, but usually when people finish college, they already have a job or practises, so at the end they don’t have time for this.
      Btw, seems like you had an amazing time at Japan, your photos are really good ! 💫

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  1. I haven’t been on your blog in a while. I’m always so impressed and filled with positivity when I come here. thank you again for this article. you’re the best x

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